How mental stresses damage your body?

Rutaba Zainab
3 min readJun 24, 2024


Stress also has physical effects on the body, producing several changes in it and leading to both acute and chronic disorders.

Effect of stress on the body

1. Immune System:

Stress isn’t just a mental burden; it can right compromise your immune system. This can lead to increased vulnerability to infections, making you more likely to catch the flu, colds, and other illnesses.

Immune System

2. Cardiovascular System:

Stress leads to the production of adrenaline and cortisol, which reasons a rise in the rate of heartbeat and blood pressure. This cans development to hypertension or high blood pressure, heart disease, and even a stroke.

Cardiovascular System

2. Digestive System:

Stress can impact the human body and the peptic system in numerous ways. It has been known to cause symptoms such as indigestion and acid reflux and to worsen IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Thus, chronic stress has also been linked to inflammation in the digestive tract.

Digestive System

3. Musculoskeletal System:

Stress can literally weigh on your muscles, leading to muscle tension and chronic pain. It’s not just a headache, its tension headaches. It’s not just a backache, its pain in the neck, shoulders, and back.

Musculoskeletal System

4. Respiratory System:

Stress can increase the rate and depth of breathing, worsening respiratory circumstances such as asthma. It can also lead to amplified breathing difficulties and worsening of chronic lung disorders in patients.

Respiratory System

5. Reproductive System:

Stress can hamper the reproductive health of both men and women. It may reason loss of sexual desire, changes in menstrual cycle, and possibly impact on fertility. Men under stress have been originating to have low sperm total and testosterone levels.

Reproductive System

6. Mental Health:

Prolonged stress is proven to raise the risk of developing or worsening mental disorders, including anxiety disorders and depression. It can also reason short-term memory loss and difficulty concentrating and decision-making.

Mental Health

7. Skin:

Stress can exacerbate acne, eczema, and psoriasis. It may also reason additional skin sensitization and impaired wound recovery time.


In summary, the body’s stress response is a multifaceted process that includes hormone levels and immune and nervous system changes. Although stress reactions can be helpful in the short term, and a person can manage to release or reduce stress, long-term stress negatively impacts physical health. Hence, stress management through physically adjusting one’s lifestyle, using relaxation procedures, and looking for professional help when necessary will help preserve mental and physical health.

Thank you for Reading!!

